Go Small to Gain Big: Transport Optimized for Efficient Transport

When an oil & gas customer needed help transporting a new oxygen tank from Texas to a gas facility in South Carolina, the options seemed costly and complex.

Deep South’s logistics specialists took a custom approach to the transport of a 375,000-lb oxygen tank from road to rail to plant, saving time and money for the client.

Initially, the 108’ long, 12’6” diameter tank was self-loaded onto an 8-axle-line Scheuerle SPMT modified with wooden saddles and moved to a nearby rail spur, where it was lifted with a 500-ton gantry system onto the railcar. The wooden saddles were particularly beneficial in that crews were able to use a shorter transporter (i.e., 8 axles versus 16 or 18 axles), and they were able to self-load the tank onto the transporter without the gantries.

After traveling by rail from Texas to the South Carolina-based plant, the tank arrived with Deep South's crew ready and waiting to offload. Once again the 500-ton gantry was used to move the tank from railcar to the specialized 8-axle-line transporter equipped with the custom saddles. The SPMT moved the tank into the staging area for final installation.

By the Numbers

  • 375,000 pound oxygen tank measuring 108' long, 12'6" in diameter

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