Custom Solutions

We Can Design, Build, and Test Specialized Lifting and Transport Equipment to Meet the Needs of Your Project

Our work typically presents us with many challenges. We can tackle these challenges through our creative engineering and extensive fabrication capabilities. Quality is assured through many methods including finite element analysis, computer modeling and analysis, non-destructive testing, proof loading, and pull-testing.

Examples of our solutions to tough project challenges include:

  • River levee crossing bridge (capacity >1,000 tons)
  • Bridge jumpers through 100’ span
  • Hydraulic jacking, skidding, and gantry systems
  • Lift towers and strand jacks
  • Low-profile, inverted saddle systems (for minimizing transport height)
  • Hydraulic adjustable spreader bars and lift beams


    Specialized Fabrication Capabilities


    Southeast Petrochemical Turnaround

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    Southeast Petrochemical Turnaround

    Supplying all cranes in two units during a petrochemical turnaround in the Southeast, Deep South supported the change out of old components and reinstallation of new components with 19 cranes working throughout the project.

    A High-pressure Exchange

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    A High-pressure Exchange

    Assembling the 1,500T VersaCrane™ TC-24000 off site and moving it via SPMT saved this client 15 days of downtime and allowed the refinery unit to run at full capacity until unit shutdown. During the scheduled outage, Deep South was tasked to replace two coke drums, each weighed 452,800 lbs and were 19’-2” outside diameter and 96’-0” long and were comparable in size and weight to the old drums.

    Maneuvering in Tight Spaces

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    Maneuvering in Tight Spaces

    A seemingly routine lift and set of a pump house from the dock onto a barge came to a halt when a client’s crane failed—significantly impacting a task with a tight delivery window.

    A successful job is built on precise planning and safe execution. request a quote