At Deep South, people are our most valuable asset and we place their safety as our first priority. That’s why our workplace safety program is one of the industry's best, with continuous training and education to ensure that every team member is fully prepared to complete every task with safety at the forefront — from simple office procedures to operating equipment, rigging, lifting and moving.
Many years ago, our safety department carved out a “safety roadmap” to help define our journey and realize our vision. This master safety plan starts with safety-focused owners and management, and carries through the organization by means of written standards, excellent planning, thorough training, and clear communication. We believe that this master safety plan is our most direct and reliable roadmap to continued safety excellence.
Safety Standards
Written standards provide the framework for our safety program
Safety Training
Training to equip each employee with the knowledge, skills and experience necessary for safe performance
Safety Audits
Audits to identify and correct any deficiencies, but also to recognize worksite excellence
Equipment Integrity
Policies and procedures to ensure our equipment is maintained in excellent operating condition
Job Safety Analysis
Critical tools to plan and communicate tasks within the work crew
Safety Meetings
Regular forums to communicate and collect information related to safe work, policies and procedures
Incident Management
Tools to determine root causes of incidents and applying our learnings company-wide
Safety Shares
To communicate safety-related information from within our company and from our industry counterparts to all employees
Our Vision
Safety focus and awareness — guided by management and practiced by our trained, qualified employees — are the keys to completing each project without incident.
We place the highest value on human safety, and in our experience, we can best avoid incidents and accidents through proper planning and by following prescribed safe work practices and procedures. Deep South complies with appropriate safety and security laws and regulations, including those established by OSHA, EPA, DOT, and state and local agencies. We also follow best practices that have been developed within our company and through our industry.
Employee training
Thorough training is fundamental to our safety focus. To ensure that all Deep South employees are prepared and qualified for every aspect of their job, training is task-specific, with a focus on safety, and occurs in three settings: classroom-style meetings, via computer-based platforms, and while on the job. Craft employees are only considered qualified for their work after they have successfully passed both a written and hands-on (practical) assessment.

Greater Baton Rouge Industry Alliance (GBRIA)
- 2018, 2020, 2021 Contractor Safety Excellence Award
- 2019, 2020 Workforce Development Best of Division I Award
Houston Business Roundtable (HBR)
- 2016, 2018, 2021 Best in Class Safety Excellence Award
- 2017, 2019 Mentor Award
- 2020 Best in Class Best Safety Excellence Award – Finalist
Industrial Safety Training Council (ISTC)
- 2018 Safety Achievement Award
Louisiana Workers’ Compensation Corporation (LWCC)
- 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Safest 70
Safety Council (SWLA)
- 2020, 2021 Contractor Safety Award – Gold
Specialized Carriers and Rigging Association (SC&RA)
- 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Safety Award
Texas Mutual
- 2021, 2022 Platinum Safety Partner Award