Turnaround Efficiency: Lift, Lower and Slide

A major process unit turnaround (TAR) project for a petrochemical plant in the Southwest required some well-planned logistics, over 1,200 craftworkers (at peak) and a comprehensive fleet of cranes, trucks and customized skid (Jack & Slide) systems.

Prior to mobilization, Deep South custom engineered lift plans for changing out the plant’s propylene compressor and replacing it with a newer, more efficient 127-ton compressor, 45-ton turbine and 142-ton exchanger. Once the lift plans were finalized and approved, Deep South mobilized the TAR with ten crawler and hydraulic truck cranes.

Crews used jack and slide techniques to remove and replace several pieces of equipment. The first was to remove and replace a 12’ diameter, 100-ton condenser in a very limited space. To facilitate the move, the Deep South team engineered and fabricated custom shelf lugs for use when raising the condenser. The second jack and slide operation involved moving a 42’-long, 90-ton exchanger from underneath a structure.

The new 127-ton compressor was lifted into place with a 660-ton Terex-Demag CC-2800-1 crane. A 275-Ton Demag CC-1400 crane was used to lift the turbine. Another major lift was the 142-ton exchanger that required a tandem lift utilizing an 800-ton Demag AC-700 and a 500-ton Liebherr LTM 1400-7.1 in a very congested area.

The Deep South team was also tasked with transporting old (compressor, turbine and exchanger) and new equipment across a state highway to and from the client’s lay down yard with 12-line SPMTs.

Deep South worked the entire TAR project without incident and injury free.

A successful job is built on precise planning and safe execution. request a quote