
Deep South Wins Safety Awards from GBRIA, HASC/HBR, and ISTC, Among Others

As Deep South Crane & Rigging celebrates its 50th anniversary, the company looks back on its strides toward creating a robust safety culture after receiving several industry safety honors in 2018. In 2017, the company saw a 62-percent reduction in its total recordable incidents rate as compared to the average of the previous three years.

Internal Safety Culture Campaign

In 2017, the company launched a safety culture campaign called “What’s Your Why?” to build on policies, procedures and internal training programs and to focus on personalizing the concept of safety for everyone at Deep South. Presentations are built to go beyond the red tape many workers associate with safety to inspire each worker — through real life examples — to make a personal investment in his or her own safety and the safety of others.

“We believe safety is the foundation of every great company and understand that our safety culture and training programs are an integral part of our success,” said Deep South President Mitch Landry. “We know that when we look out for each other, it strengthens our bond, honors our legacy and allows for future growth.”

ISTC Beaumont Safety Achievement Award

Deep South also recently earned the Industrial Safety Training Council (ISTC) Beaumont’s Safety Achievement Award — Recordable Incidence Rate for achieving a 62-percent reduction in its total recordable incidents rate during 2017.

At the May awards banquet, ISTC also recognized Deep South with both the Safety Achievement Award Years Worked and the Safety Achievement Award Hours Worked for working a year and more than 1 million hours without any OSHA lost-workday incidents. The company was a finalist for the ISTC 2018 Roy Comeaux Safety Excellence Through Training Award.

GBRIA Contractor Safety Excellence Award

Deep South recently took first place in the Greater Baton Rouge Industry Alliance’s (GBRIA’s) 2018 Contractor Safety Excellence Awards for Crane & Rigging. Deep South was nominated by Axiall/Westlake Chemical for this year’s award. Eligibility for the award is based on nominations from GBRIA members, who submit their highest performing contractors for consideration.

“Being nominated for this award is an achievement in itself,” said Deep South Director of Safety Jody Hammett. “To us, it shows that our customers recognize the value we place on safety, and we thank Axiall/Westlake Chemical for recognizing the work our team does each day to keep our projects safe.”

HASC/HBR Best of the Best

At the 31st Houston Safety Excellence Awards, the Houston Area Safety Council and Houston Business Roundtable awarded Deep South the Best of the Best award in the Crane & Rigging division, making Deep South the only company to receive this award in back-to-back years of eligibility.

Other recent awards and recognitions include the Louisiana Workers’ Compensation Corp.’s (LWCC’s) Safest 70 award and the Crane Operator Safety Award by the Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association (SC&RA). Deep South employees who earned SC&RA’s operator award were James Anderson, Robert Jones, Kurt Reeves and Bruce White, who exhibited exemplary work while recording zero safety accidents and incidents in 10,000 consecutive man-hours.

“From the top down, we believe everyone is part of the safety effort, and it’s the most important part of what we do every single day, both at work and off the job,” says Mitch Landry. “Being safe isn’t about meeting safety goals or bettering statistics in meetings; there is much more.”

Deep South Celebrates 50 Years of Customer-focused Success

2018 is a milestone year for Deep South Crane. Fifty years after hardworking electrical engineer Camile Landry saw an opportunity to make a go of his own business, Deep South is now among the top 20 crane heavy lift, heavy haul companies in the world, operating nine offices throughout North and South America. As we celebrate a half-century in business, we couldn’t be prouder of what our people have accomplished and the future they’re paving for us.


Deep South Employees Honored for Life Saving Response

Deep South employees, Josh McDavid and Daniel Potter, were awarded Bring Your A-Game coins by Marathon Petroleum Company for their quick thinking to save a car crash victim.


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