Deep South combines the right tools with the right talent to offer a range of services. We offer free consultations and quotes to determine the best path forward for your job. Our services and equipment include:

  • Daily Lifting/Crane Rentals
  • Turnkey Solutions
  • Heavy Haul/Heavy Lift
  • Specialty Equipment
  • Rigging Services
  • Bare Rentals
  • 24-hour Rapid Response

Contact the Deep South Cartagena Office

Km 15 vía Mamonal – Gambote, Cartagena, Colombia  |  P: +57 314-344-4768


In 2012, Deep South Crane & Rigging, LLC formed a sister company, DS Americas to focus on serving both the Latin American and Canadian markets. Drawing on Deep South's many years of experience, DS Americas provides unique, timely and safe turnkey heavy lift and transport solutions in the petrochemical, energy and heavy industrial sectors.



Combined Gantry/Strand Jack Systems Power Lifts Co-Gen Train

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Combined Gantry/Strand Jack Systems Power Lifts Co-Gen Train

The construction of a combined-cycle power station in Louisiana required a specialty contractor to move, lift and set a STG generator (692,250 lbs.) and HIP turbine (392,420 lbs.).

Caustic & PreFrac Tower Lift

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Caustic & PreFrac Tower Lift

Deep South Crane and Rigging was recently contracted by a southeast petrochemical plant as part of a major pre-turnaround project. In order to de-bottleneck ethylene production, Deep South erected a caustic tower and a prefrac tower.

420T Vessel VersaCrane™ Lift

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420T Vessel VersaCrane™ Lift

Using our powerful 2,500-ton VersaCrane TC-36000 with 450’ main boom and a 260’ radius, Deep South successfully removed and replaced these vessels, the largest of which was 420 tons.

A successful job is built on precise planning and safe execution. request a quote