
Employee Spotlight: Kerry Hulse

Kerry Hulse, vice president of Deep South Crane & Rigging, has dedicated much of his career to improving safety for those in this unique and challenging line of business. His expertise and influence within the industry has allowed him to spearhead safety programs, resulting in the safety certification of over 100,000 crane operators.

Kerry has an intimate knowledge of the crane and rigging industry like no other. He grew up in this business, learning first-hand from his father, a crane and rigging owner, the complexities and challenges that come with transporting and operating heavy lift machinery.

In 1989, he became a member of the Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association’s (SC&RA) Governing Committee, during which time, the SC&RA Certification Task Force was established with Kerry as chairman. The goal of this task force was to establish baseline skills for crane operators, improving safety across the board. Eventually, this groundwork made possible the establishment of the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO), a non-profit personnel certification organization with a sole dedication of improving the safety of lifting operations. It its 20 plus years, NCCCO has developed certifications for a large range of crane and rigging job functions, from crane operators to lift directors.

Kerry served as chairman of the NCCCO Commissioners group for 15 years after its inception, until his election to the NCCCO board in 2012. Today, Kerry is vice president of the NCCCO Board of Directors while simultaneously continuing his leadership activities with Deep South and continuing his lifelong commitment to safety.

A High Pressure Exchange

Assembling the 1,500T VersaCrane™ TC-24000 off site and moving it via SPMT saved this client 15 days of downtime and allowed the refinery unit to run at full capacity until unit shutdown. During the scheduled outage, Deep South was tasked to replace two coke drums, each weighed 452,800 lbs and were 19’-2” outside diameter and 96’-0” long and were comparable in size and weight to the old drums.


Safety Source: OSHA's Safe + Sound Week

The Occupational Safety & Health Administration's Safe + Sound Week is a nationwide event to recognize the successes of businesses that have adopted programs to improve workplace safety and health. This year's Safe + Sound Week ​will be held August 12-18, 2024, and focus on Job Hazard Analysis (JHAs). Deep South is pleased to participate in this annual event again.


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